Programs & Services
We provide technical assistance, consulting and regulatory compliance support in a variety of areas.
Prevents against infectious agents and biohazardous materials. Regulation of bloodborne pathogens, Biological Use Authorization (BUA), Exposure Control Plans, Biosafety Cabinets, High Containment Labs and more.
Chemical Safety
Protects against chemicals that pose risk to people or property. Oversight of chemical hygiene plans (CHP), chemical inventory, placards, hazardous materials, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and more
Controlled Substances
Regulates federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) scheduled or listed controlled substances and California precursor chemicals. Oversight of orders, Controlled Substance Use Authorization (CSUA), storage requirements, use logs, and disposal.
Environmental Programs
Management of compliance with environmental regulations, including outdoor air quality, surface water quality including UCR CleanWater Phase II MS4 stormwater program, and remediation.
Ergonomics is the applied science of equipment design and/or workplace design, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort.
Industrial Hygiene
Protects worker health and safety and implementation of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). Oversight of asbestos, fume hoods, hearing conservation, indoor air quality, mold remediation, personal protective equipment (i.e., respirators), and more.
Laboratory and Research
Provides safety guidelines for hazards found in the laboratory and research setting. Oversight of , Laboratory Manual, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Laboratory Evaluations, field safety, Laboratory Safety Contact (LSC) program, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and more.
Occupational Health
Occupational health is designed to protect employees from potential risks and hazards on the job, assisting with everything from injury prevention to injury care.
Public Health
Prevents human health and diseases caused by environmental factors. Oversight of Food Permits, swimming pool inspections, communicable diseases, vector control and drinking water quality.
Radiation and Laser
Regulates ionizing and non-ionizing radiation such that exposure is as low as reasonably achievable. Facilitates safe use, design, and implementation of lasers. Oversight of campus Laser Safety Manual, Radiation Use Authorization (RUA), and the Radiation Safety Manual.
Protects worker health and safety and implementation of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). Oversight of ergonomics, compressed gas, drones, fall control, hearing conservation, heat stress prevention, personal protective equipment, safety engineering, shop safety, and more.
Delivers classes, records, and resources for learning about health and safety responsibilities. Oversight of schedule of classes, transcripts, online training courses, needs assessment, publications, and videos.
Waste Management
Servicing of hazardous chemical, radioactive, and biohazardous waste. Oversight of hazardous and biohazardous waste using the online WASTe program, and radioactive waste pickups using UC Radiation.